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Feb. 4, 2024

Episode 8: This is the Legend Of a Concertmaster - Jonathan Crow

Episode 8: This is the Legend Of a Concertmaster - Jonathan Crow

At 25 years old, he became the youngest concertmaster in a North American orchestra.  This is the Legend Of Jonathan Crow, a legendary Canadian violinist, concertmaster of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, and former teacher of another lege...

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This is the Legend Of...

            At 25 years old, he became the youngest concertmaster in a North American orchestra.  This is the Legend Of Jonathan Crow, a legendary Canadian violinist, concertmaster of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, and former teacher of another legendary violinist, Kerson Leong.

            In this episode, Amos Vang and Jonathan Crow discuss about Jonathan’s marvelous career and experiences in the world of violin.  From performing for the great Sir Yehudi Menuhin, to leading other professional musicians in the interpretation of great compositions, and to directing the Toronto Summer Music Festival, Jonathan has established himself as one of the most respected violinists in the North American music scene.  Jonathan also talks about teaching Amos’s cousin, Kerson Leong, and how Kerson has forged his own unique, recognisable style as a violinist from a young age.  Amos and Jonathan also discuss the differences between a Stradivarius violin and a del Gesù violin, and how such violins are crucial for tone colour and performance.

Music by: Scott Buckley, https://www.scottbuckley.com.au/

   And by Amos Vang.

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